07 agosto 2012

Polish Days: Unhas Olímpicas!

Boa tarde gente! Hoje tem um post bem fora do meu horário porque chegou mais um dia de  Polish Days! Polish Days acontece uma vez por mês, e é um dia onde um grupo de blogueiras posta na mesma hora e no mesmo tema.
O tema de hoje são as Olimpíadas, coisa que eu adorei, porque já estava mesmo querendo fazer uma nail art nesse tema, mas faltava coragem. Depois do Desafio das 31 Unhas fiquei com preguiça hehehe!
Vamos ver o que eu fiz?
Good Aftrenoon! Today's post is very off my regular schedule, but it's a special one because it's finally time for another Polish Days post! If you don't know, Polish Days happens once a month and it's a day when a group of bloggers post at the same time and on the same theme.
Today's theme is the Olympics, which I loved because I've been wanting to try an Olympic nail art, but with the 31 Day Challenge I was very tired.
Let's see what I came up with!

Resolvi fazer uma coisa com letras em vez de imagens, então escrevi London (que foi difícil de fazer caber nos meu cotoquinhos!) e no dedão coloquei 2012 e o símbolo das Olimpíadas.
Fiz tudo à mão livre com um pincel fininho, e depois dessa mani confirmei que preciso URGENTE de mais pincéis. Acho que quando voltar do Brasil eu crio coragem e compro na Born Pretty Store.
I decided to do typography instead of images. I wrote London across four nails (which was very hard because my nail beds are so short) and on my thumb I wrote the year and did the Olympic Rings.
Everything was freehanded with a thin brush, and after I did this mani I was more than certain I need more nail art brushes! When I come back form Brazil I'll invest in some brushes probably from the Born Pretty Store.

Os esmaltes que usei foram:
Here are the polishes I used for this mani:
-Wet'n'Wild White Créme (base)
-Wet'n'Wild Black Créme (letras/letters)
-Sally Hansen Pacific Blue
-Sally Hansen Lightening
-Essie Mojito Madness
-Ana Hickmann Beijo na Boca!

Espero que vocês tenham gostado! Amo as Olimpíadas, então todo dia de noite aqui em casa a gente senta pra ver o que aconteceu durante o dia. Não preciso nem mencionar que amei o Team USA ter ganho a medalha de Ouro na ginástica, mas que senti muita falta de ver as ginastas brasileiras representando nosso país.
I hope you liked these Olympic Nails! I love watching the Olympic Games, and I was especially happy with Team USA's gold medal on gymnastics. I was sad however, that Brazil wasn't there to represent my country.

Uma ótima noite pra todas, e amanhã eu volto com as unhas que vou viajar! Beijos,
Have a great evening, and tomorrow I'll be back with my "traveling" mani! xx,

Aqui estão outros blogs que participaram desse Polish Days:
Here are other blogs that participated in this Polish Days edition:

A Lacquered Affairhttp://alacqueredaffair.onsugar.com/Polish-Days-3-Olympics-24320650
Alexis - Glitter Tipshttp://www.glittertips22.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/polish-days-olympics.html
Chiro - Nail of This Weekhttp://nailofthisweek.blogspot.com/2012/08/053-olympic-games-mani-day.html
Hannah - Polly Polishhttp://www.pollypolish.com/polish-days-polish-olympics-time
Heidi - Pretty Painted Nailshttp://prettypaintednails.com/nail-polish-trends/gold-nail-polish-olympic-nail-polish-day/
Inky - Inky Polisholicioushttp://inkypolisholicious.blogspot.sg/2012/08/polish-days-3-olympic-games.html
Ishah - Ishah X Beautyhttp://www.ishahxbeauty.com/2012/08/polish-olympics.html
Jen - The Nail Polish Projecthttp://thenailpolishproject.com/?p=2548
Jenny - Beauty By Jennyhttp://beautybyjenny.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/polish-olympics-swedish-style/
Jessica - Sparkles & Shine Nailshttp://sparklesandshinenails.blogspot.com/polly-polish-polish-olympics.html
Joanna - The Treasure Chesthttp://thetreasurechestt.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-olympics.html
Kat - Hooked on Polishhttp://www.hookedonpolish.com/2012/08/a-different-kind-of-olympic-mani.html
Kate - Polish Carthttp://polishcart.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-gold-medals-galore.html
Keisha - Refined & Polishedhttp://refinedandpolished.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-olympics.html
Maria - So Marvelloushttp://somarvellous.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-olympics.html
Melissa - The Crimson Petalhttp://the-crimson-petal.onsugar.com/Polish-Olympics-24266423
Mihaela - Lacquer Buzzhttp://www.lacquerbuzz.com/2012/08/polish-olympics.html
Nail Tarthttp://nailtart.com/?p=709
Nicole - Nearly Nailedhttp://nearlynailed.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-olympics.html
Pris - Pris Nailshttp://prisnails.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-olympic-nails.html
Sabine - My Polish Stashhttp://mypolishstash.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-vol-3-polish-olympics.html
Samantha - Polished Arthttp://polishedart.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-olympics.html
Sammy - The Nailasaurushttp://www.thenailasaurus.com/2012/08/polish-days-polish-olympics.html
Sophia - Unhas a Troishttp://unhasatrois.blogspot.com/2012/08/polish-days-unhas-olimpicas.html
Stephanie - Sincerely Stephaniehttp://www.sincerelystephanienails.com/2012/08/olympic-themed-polish-days.html
Wendy - Wendy's Delightshttp://wendysdelights.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/polish-days-olympic-nails.html

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